Laser therapy is the use of red and near-infrared light to create therapeutic effects.These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Laser therapy has been widely used in Europe by physical therapists, nurses and doctors as far back as the 1970′s. Now, after FDA clearance in 2002, Laser Therapy is being used extensively in the U.S. This new form of therapy is quick, pain free, drug free and requires no sedation or restraint. It is often very relaxing for your pet and only takes an average of 10-15 minutes of your time.

Laser therapy has helped many people, including many Major League baseball teams, who utilize the Therapy Laser routinely for pain and inflammation.

During each painless treatment, laser energy increases circulation, which draws oxygen, water and nutrients into the damaged area. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. As the injured area returns to normal, function is restored and pain level improved.

We use the Companion Animal Therapy Laser by Litecure. We have utilized laser therapy for our patients for over 5 years and have experience using it for a variety of conditions.

The following conditions may benefit from Laser Therapy:

• Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease
• Muscular Strains/Sprains
• Puncture, bite and traumatic wounds
• Post-Surgical incision Discomfort and Wound Healing (we use Laser routinely for this!)
• Hip and elbow Dysplasia
• Chronic Wounds, including Lick Granulomas and Recurrent Ear Infections
• Traumatic Injuries
• Pyotraumatic skin lesions (hot spots), anal gland sacculitis, other skin inflammation

What to expect? There is no sedation used for this procedure. It is generally pleasant and relaxing. You can even stay with your pet if you choose! Improvement is often seen after the very first treatment but most patients require several treatments for the greatest benefit. For most conditions, multiple treatments are indicated. Treatments vary in length, depending on location, but most individual sites require 2 to 8 minutes. Most pets show greater comfort and mobility within 24 hours after treatment. Your doctor will advise a treatment plan that is tailored to your pet’s condition.